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What to do when Chennai Rains?

2015 is was Chennai Rains caused flood. 2016 it was Vardah cyclone which caused Chennai Floods. 2017 it was Ockhi that devastated the south TN again with Floods. While the reasons for the Chennai Rains and Floods, is still a debate, here are few things that we as individuals need to know. Better to know the risk and be prepared, than to be caught by unawares and be victims of floods.

Before the Flood

Pack your Bags

In event of sudden rise of water levels into you homes, temporary evacuation is inevitable. Hence, make sure your home has one emergency back packer or a suit case on wheels, always. The bag should ideally have the following items:

Flood Proof your Things if not your Home:

If not for building changes like windows sealents, sump pumps,… at least flood proof your things. Reduce the liabilities of potential damage flood can create.

During the flood

Do not panic or believe in rumours.

So Chennai, be geared to manage the floods.

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