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Michael Muthu

Born in 1968, Michael Muthu is one of the most active theatre personalities in Chennai today.

With no formal training, Michael has been in theatre for 13 years, starting with Dipankar Mukherjee after his Class XII, at the Loyola Theatre Society during his first two years of college, and in 1991 as founder of Boardwalkers. His acclaimed productions include God, Biloxi Blues, The Hairy Ape, Sleuth, The Pied Piper of Hamlin, and most recently Jesus Christ Superstar.

Michael hopes to start a Theatre school in Chennai sometime soon, for both school and college students. He will also be directing English films shortly.

Michael MuthuHis other interests include music (he plays the guitar), old cars and bikes. He is a proud owner of a 1952 B.S.A. motorcycle. A religious person, Michael has Jesus Christ as his role model. His strongest influence has been the support of his parents, who are “the pillars in his life”.

This “Live and let live” director has a lot up his sleeve for English Theatre in Chennai, so don’t miss out any of it.

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