
7 Tips to protect your family from Corona Virus in Chennai

Corona Virus in Chennai

Zero Cases of death due to the Corona Virus have been reported in Chennai.

Corona Virus Deaths in Chennai, Tamil Nadu0
Persons Admitted with Corona Virus in Chennai, Tamilnadu6
Persons Recovered from COVID19 / Corona Virus in Chennai1
Persons under Quarantine / Follow-up for suspected Corona Virus in Chennai9424+
Persons Screened for Corona Virus in Chennai, Tamilnadu205396 +

The map from Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering follows coronavirus cases across the world. According to the tracker, there are 307,297 reported cases around the world. 13049 of them have succumbed to the disease and 92382 have recovered from the disease.

Latest Corona Cases in Chennai

Death Rate due to Corona Virus

According to the various estimates, the death rate due to Corona Virus is 2%. If the incidences in Wuhan are dropped, then the rate drops to 0.3%. This is significantly lower to the 34% death rate of Swine Flu.

Corona Virus in Chennai

Tamilnadu Government Response System to Corona Virus

According to the Health Minister of Tamilnadu Dr. C Vijaya Bhasker, The Government of Tamilnadu has created a High-Level committee to track the progress of the Virus and incidence in Tamil Nadu.

He added that the State Health Department officials are also conducting symptomatic screening at the international terminals in Chennai and Madurai.

After chairing a high-level meet on prevention, monitoring and precautionary measures for the China-origin infection, the minister said 799 people were under house quarantine in the state and the Directorate of Public Health was monitoring them.

Of the 799, 646 had travelled to China and 153 to other countries close to it, he said. Besides, 12 people have been admitted to hospitals. So far, thermal screening had been done on 5,543 people at Chennai, Tiruchirappalli, Madurai and Coimbatore airports in the state and all of them were normal.

Corona Virus Screening for Travellers arriving in International Terminal

The Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) has mandated Thermal Screening for passengers arriving from Mainland China and Hong Kong at Chennai airport following the threat of the Novel Corona Virus Disease (nCoV), which has spread in Wuhan, Hubei province of China.

The US Department of State has issued a level-4 travel advisory to China, meaning that the public is not advised to travel to China. The CDC earlier had issued a level-3 warning recommending to avoid travel, unless essential, to Wuhan and level-2 warning to the rest of China. But given the fast spread, the CDC revised the travel warning to level-3 for entire China.

The airports have been asked to provide space at the pre-immigration area with logistics to install thermal cameras. Airlines staff have been directed to bring passengers to the health counters before immigration checks.

“So far, there have been no suspected cases of coronavirus in Tamil Nadu. A Senior committee is monitoring the preparedness on a day to day basis. The isolation ward at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital is being checked to keep an eye on our treatment protocol”.

According to the Health Minister of Tamil Nadu Dr. C Vijayabhasker, who tweeted recently, he said that ” #coronavirus update: Passengers screened: 21312, Passengers under follow up @ home 1735, hospital 3. Samples taken – 42,Negative – 36 & testing in process-6. Let me reiterate, #TN has no cases of #Corona & request the public to ignore any message that isn’t authentic”. In a series of tweet the health minister is insisted tha Tamilnadu is now Corona Free.

Home Tips to prevent Corona Virus in Chennai

First and foremost Don’t Panic!

Some of the basic hygiene that you can follow at home based on inputs from the World Health Organization is:

  1. Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water;
  2. When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw the tissue away immediately and wash hands;
  3. Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough;
  4. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider;
  5. When visiting live markets in areas currently experiencing cases of a novel coronavirus, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals;
  6. Avoid the consumption of raw or undercooked animal products. Fresh meat, milk, or animal organs should be handled with care. This is to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods, as per good food safety practices.
  7. Drink plenty of fluids.

Chennai Doctors and Hospitals to treat Corona Virus

The King Institute of Preventive Medicine, Guindy, is establishing a coronavirus testing center. All government hospitals have established isolation wards and support systems are already on stand-by.

Tamil Medicine for preventing/fighting Corona Virus

According to doctors, there is currently no vaccination to prevent the virus. But general foods that boost immunity would help the body.

One of the following Naatu Marundu concentrations are recommended:

Garlic Juice:

Step 1: Take 10 pods of Garlic and blend it smoothly until a paste consistency is achieved.

Step 2: Now filter the juice from off the paste using a strainer

Step 3: Add a few drops of Lemon and 2 tsp Honey for taste.

The above Garlic Concentration should be taken 1 tablespoon per day on an empty stomach for up to 3 months. The Concentrate is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral.

Raw Amla:

One Raw Amala a Day is the most effective and natural way to build your body’s immunity. Many of our ancestors who have lived over 90 years have attributed their good health and longevity to having Raw Amala.

The traditional Nilavembu juice, Ginger, Turmeric juices are other options to improve the immunity of your body. Hence, we recommend that you either make concentrated juices (Kashyams) of them or add liberal portions of these ingredients to your everyday staple diet.

Commercial Products for building Immunity

If you run out of time to cook home-made juice concertations, you may choose to buy certain products that build your body’s immunity. The products recommended are time-tested and organic. But, we request you use your discretion and most of all your physician’s advice before using them.

  1. Dabur Chyawanprash : One tablespoon for adults and 1 Tea Spoon for Kids every day.
  2. Cipla Immuno Boosters : One Bar a Day for Children over 7+ Years.
  3. Himalaya Amalaki Immunity Wellness: One tablet a day for Adults.
  4. NatureVit Sweet Amla Candy: Two to three candies a day.
  5. Ginger and Lemon Candy: Two to three candies a day.

The above natural and commercial remedies are listed to build your body’s immunity. This will help your body fight the Corona Virus. However, in the event of persistent Cold-Fever-Cough, please consult with your family physician or the nearest Government Hospital.

The official testing for Corona Virus in Chennai is only at King’s Institute, Guindy. More Updates – Coming Soon.

Affected Geographic Areas with Widespread or Sustained Community Transmission

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