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Chennai Building Regulations

Chennai Building Regulation

This regulation has been amended by CMDA and the latest CMDA Regulation of Residential Buildings in available here.

Ordinary Buildings (Residential)

RULE 7(d)

   (d) The extent of plot size, plot frontage, floor space index, plot coverage, height and set back lines for residential uses and other specified uses namely clinics, dispensaries, nursing homes, nursery schools and primary schools not exceeding 300 m2 in floor area and schools of commerce will be regulated as per Table given below. Nursery and Primary school exceeding 300 m2 in floor area will be regulated as per Table given under DCR 13(d) but they will be permitted in primary residential use zone. Other uses viz. Commercial, light industrial, General Industrial, Special and Hazardous Industrial, and institution uses etc., and Clinics, dispensaries, and Nursing homes exceeding 300 m2 in floor area will be regulated in accordance with the Table given under the respective use zone. In the cases of approved subdivisions and layouts the extent of plot size; floor space index and setback lines shall be regulated according to layout conditions specified by the CMDA while approving such layout.




George town and other areas where continuous buildings are permissible


Chennai City excluding area mentioned under column(2) and Municipal and Township areas

Metropolitan area excluding areas mentioned under Columns(2) and (3)






A. Minimum extent of plot. 90 Square metres except in area specifically set apart for continuous buildings where it shall not be less than 80 square metres. For housing economically weaker sections, it shall not be less than 20 square metres within the Chennai City and 40 square metres in rest of the Chennai Metropolitan Area.
B. Minimum Plot frontage 6 metres except in areas set apart for continuous buildings, where it shall not be less than 4.5 metres and for housing economically weaker section it shall not be less than 4 metres.
C. (i) Maximum F.S.I.
(ii) Maximum plot coverage
1.50 1.50 1.50
65 Percent 65 Percent 65 Percent

For Economically Weaker section plots, the coverage shall not exceed 75 percent.

D. Maximum height.

One and half times the width of the abutting road provided that the height may be exceeded to the extent of 1 metre for every 30 centimetres by which the building is set back from the street or 15 metres whichever is less except in areas set apart specifically for multistoreyed buildings.

E. Minimum set back.

In accordance with rule 5(1)-Where building lines have not been specified it shall be as follows:-

(i) Front set back

1.5 metres for all road width


Abutting road width

                        Set back
  Above 30 m- 6 m
  Above 15 m but less than 30 m     4.5 m
  Above 10 m but less than 15 m 3.0 m
  below 10 m- 1.5 m




EXPLANATION:- (i) For economically weaker section plots, front set back shall not be less than 1.00 metre irrespective of the road width except where a street alignment and building line is prescribed.

(i)  For shops front set back shall not be less than 3 metres.

(ii) Rear set back—-Nil

Depth of plot————————- Rear set back
Upto 15 metres———————-1.5 metres
Between 15 to 30 metres———3.0 metres
Above 30  metres——————–4.5 metres
“Structures like a lavatory, lumber room, garage etc., not intended for human habitation and servant quarters may ber permitted in the rear set back:

Provided that such structures do not occupy more than one third of the rear width of the site and 6 metres of the depth of the site.

Provided further that the height of such structures does not exceed 4 metres measured from the ground level of the site”

…For economically weaker section plots rear set back space shall be 1.5 metres”,

(iii) Side set back—Nil 1.0 metre on one side for plots having a width of not more than 6 metres, 1.5 metres on one side for plots having a width of more than 6 metres but not more than 9 metres and 1.5 metres on either side for plots having a width of more than 9 metres. For constructions in economically weaker section plots no side set back is neccessary.



Provided that in the case of an existing building it shall be open to the Authority to specify on which side the open space shall be left when such open space is to be left on one side only.


Ordinary Buildings (Commercial)

RULE 9(d)

(d) The extent of plot size, floor space index, set back line etc., for commercial uses shall be regulated according to the Table given below. For other activities of residential character and institutional character where public assemble will be regulated in accordance with the table given under the respective use zones.


    George Town and other areas where continuous buildings are permissible Chennai city excluding areas mentioned under column 2 & Municipal and Township area Metropolitan area excluding areas mentioned under columns (2) and (3)
(1)   (2) (3) (4)

Minimum extent of plot

90 square metres

110 square metres

110 square metres

B. Minimum plot frontage

4.5 metres

7.0 metres

7.0 metres

C. (i) Maximum FSI




  (ii) Maximum plot coverage 65 percent 65 percent

65 percent

D Maximum height One and half times the width of the abutting road provided that the height may be exceeded to the extent of one metre for every 30 cm by which the building is set back from the street or 15 metres whichever is less except in areas set apart specifically for multistoreyed buildings.
E. Minimum set back In accordance with sub-rule(1) of  Rule 5 where no set back lines have been specified the building line shall be as follows:-
(i) Front set back 1.5 metres for all
road widths
Abutting roads width above 30.0 metres

Set back 6.0 metres

      Above 15 metres but less than 30.00 metres

4.5 metres



Less than 15 metres

3 metres

(ii) Side set back


1/4th the height of the building subject to a minimum of 2 metres of either side.
(iii) Rear set back


1/4th the height of the building subject to a minimum of 2 metres


Multui Storeyed Building

RULE 17(a)

(a) Multi-storeyed buildings, Buildings exceeding 4 floors and 15 metres in height shall not be permitted in areas specifically prohibited for construction of such buildings. They shall conform to the “Special Rules for Multi Storeyed Building” given in Annexure IX. A description of the areas set apart for such construction is given in Annexure X.


Layout Residential / Industrial



19.Layout and sub-division:-
     (a) The laying out and sub-division of land for building purposes, shall be carried out only in accordance with the provisions specified below.
(i) The width of the streets and roads in the layouts shall conform to the minimum requirements given below and to be in conformity with the development plan, if any, for the area except in group housing, flats or in areas reserved for Economically Weaker Sections.





Minimum Width


A. Passage:    
  (i) In areas of Economically Weaker Section and for continuous building area:    
  a) For single plot 1.0 metre(40″)  
  b) For two to four plots 1.5 metre(5′) The passage will remain private
  c) For more than four plots small passge is not permissible    
  ii) When it is intended to serve upto two plots (length of the passage should not exceed 40 metres) 3.0 metres(10′) The passage will remain private
  iii) When it is intended to serve upto four plots(length of the passage should not exceed 80 metres) 3.6 metres(12′) -DO-
  iv) When it is intended to serve upto ten plots(length of the passage should not exceed 100 metres) 4.8 metres(16′) -DO-
B. Streets and Roads:
  (i) Streets intended to serve not more than 10 plots and /or subject to a maximum length of 120 metres 7.2 metres(24′) All streets shall become public. The land owners/developers shall hand over these street /roads portion through a deed to the local authority concerned, after forming the roads as per specifications given under relevant section of Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act or Panchayat Act or Tamil Nadu District Municipal Act.



  (ii) Streets intended to serve not more than 20 plots and /or subject to a maximum length of 240 metres 9.0 metres(30′) -DO-
  (iii) Roads of lengh more than 240 metres but below 400 metres 12.0 metres(40′) -DO-
  (iv) Roads of lengh more than 400 metres to 1,000 metres 18.0 metres(60′) All streets shall become public. The land owners/developers shall hand over these street /roads portion through a deed to the local authority concerned, after forming the roads as per specifications given under relevant section of Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act or Panchayat Act or Tamil Nadu District Municipal Act.
  (v) Roads of length more than 1,000 metres 24.0 metres(80′) -DO-
C. Splay:
A splay at the intersection of two or more streets/roads shall be provided as below.
When the two roads are above 30 metres wide a splay of 6.0 metres X 6.0 metres shall be provided and for 12 metres to 30 metres wide a minimum splay of 4.5 metres X 4.5 metres shall be provided. When the two roads are less than 12 metres wide a splay of 3.0 metres X 3.0 metres will be sufficient.



D. Cul-de-sacs:

Can be provided when their length do not exceed 60 metres. They shall be provided with a turn around area of 9 metres X 9 metres at the closed end.

E. Passages/ /streets and road for Industrial Development.
Minimum width of passage
  (i) when it is intended to serve only one plot and length of passage does not exceed 100 metres

5.0 metres(16’6″)

The passage will remain private
  (ii) when it is intended to serve two to five plots and the length of the passage does not exceed 120 metres

7.0 metres

  (iii) when it is intended to serve more than 5 plots

12.0 metres

The street shall become public.



     (i) All street except cul-de-sac streets shall be connected to a public or an approved private street at both ends, pedestrian path ways and cul-de-sac street shall be connected to a public or an approved private street at one end.
(ii) No plot in a layout shall be sub-divided or utilised for any purposes other than the purpose for which the site is approved except with the prior approval of the authority.(iii) Reservation of land for communal and recreational purposes in a layout or sub-divison for residential, commercial, industrial or combination of such uses shall be as follow.



Extent of layout
For the first 3000 square metres Nil
Between 3000 square metres to 10,000 square metres 10 percent of the area excluding roads or in the alternative he shall pay the market value of equivalent land and excluding the first 3000 square metres as per the valuation of the registration department. “No such area reserved shall measure less than 100 square metres with a minimum dimension of 10 metres.”

‘The space so reserved shall be transferred to the Authority or to the Local body designated by it, free of cost, through a deed, and in turn the Authority or the Local Body may permit the Residents Association or Flat owners Association for maintaining such reserved space as park. In such cases public access for the area as easrmarked shall not be insisted upon.’

Above 10,000 square metres 10 percent of the area excluding roads shall be reserved and this space shall be maintained as communal and recreational open space to the satisfaction of the authority or transferred to the authority for maintenance. It is obligatory to reserved 10 percent of the layout area.



(iv) The space set apart for roads and the 10% area reserved for communal and recreational purposes under item (iii) above shall be deemed to zoned for institutional open space and recreational use zone as the case may be. The land so registered shall be transferred to the Authority or Agency or the Local body designated by the Authority through a registered deed before the actual approval of the layout under the provisions of T&CP Act. The exact mode of conveyance should be consistent with the relevant enactment and regulations.
(v) The building and use of  land shall conform to the conditions that may be imposed while sanctioning the layout. The space set apart for commercial, institutional, industrial or other uses shall be deemed to be zoned for Commercial, Institutional, Industrial corresponding uses under the Master Plan.(vi) The land for communal and recreational purposes shall be restricted to ground level, in a shape and location to be specified by the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority. The land so reserved shall be free from any construction by the layout owner, developer or promoter.(vii) 10 percent of layout area, additionally, shall be reserved for “Public Purpose” in those layouts which are more than 10,000 sq.m. in extent.Interested departments shall be given intimation of layout approval by the CMDA and requested to purchase the land from the owner or developer or promoter, on paying the cost of plots so reserved. The owner or developer or promoter has every right to sell the lands for residential purpose if no demand from any public departments is received within one year.


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