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CMDA Building Regulation for Residential Buildings

The Latest Building Regulations (also called Development Control Regulation of DCR) as defined and amended by CMDA periodically for Residential Building is framed based on infrastructure limitation, width of road, quality of street life, quality of life for inhabitants, safety, holding capacity, detail development plan, area development plan etc…

At a document level, CMDA does not have a booklet specifically for residential buildings. However, CMDA puts all the rules together. This may make life difficult for millions of individuals who want to look for only for their building type (like residential, flats, office, commercial, institutional etc…) We have tabled below only the relevant parts for your understanding. We suggest that you look at the official CMDA site for updated and accurate information.

So if you are planning to build an apartment complex, adhering to the rules mentioned below, you are more likely to get your building plan approved easily and quickly. CMDA has introduced the Green Channel of approval for some particular types of development that would save you time!

CMDA Building Regulation for Residential Apartments / Individual Houses

  1. Planning Parameters:


The extent of the site, plot coverage, FSI, set back etc. for the developments shall be regulated according to the tables below:



Table (1) Ordinary Residential Buildings and other small developments








Continuous Residential in
Description Building Economically Weaker
Sl.No Area Rest of CMA except CBA Section areas
anywhere Chennai in other
within CMA City areas
1 2 3 4 5a 5b
A Minimum 50 80 sq.m 20 sq.m. 40sq.m.
Plot extent sq.m.
B Plot width/ 4.5m 6m 4m 4m
C Minimum 6m
Road width
Maximum G+1 or Stilt
D Height +2 floors G+1 or Stilt +2 floors subject to a G+1 subject to a
subject to a max. of 9m max. of 7 m
max. of 9m
E Maximum 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
F Maximum 75% 70% 75% 75%
Plot coverage
G Minimum Where  Street  Alignment/new  road  is  prescribed  in  these
regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/ new road line.
In the case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road Set back
Up to 10m 1.5m
(i) Front 1.5m Above 10m, up to 3.0m 1m 1m
Set back 15.25m
Above 15.25m, 4.5m
up to 30.5m
Above 30.5m 6.0m


Plot Width Side set back
Up to 6m 1m on one side
Side Set
(ii) Nil Above 6m, up to 1.5m on one Nil Nil
back 9m side
Above 9m 1.5m on either
1.5m 1m 1m
Rear Set In Rear set back, structures like lavatory, lumber room,
(iii) Nil garage etc. not intended for human habitation and servant
quarters are permissible provided it doesn’t occupy more
than one third of the plot width, 6m from rear boundary
and 4 metres in height from ground level.
H Other structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side set
back, and Rear set back are as given in the regulation No 11.
I Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations
given in the Annexure XVI.
J The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in the Annexure XVII.
K Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be



Note:    (i) In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in Ground floor, directly accessible to road.


(ii) In cases of Residential or predominantly residential developments, –




Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be

permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.




  1. Regulation for Special Buildings:



  1. a residential or commercial buildings with more than 2 floors; or


  1. a residential building with more than six dwelling units; or


  1. a commercial building exceeding a floor area of 300 square metres:


Provided that any construction in the second floor with prior permission as an addition to an existing ground and first storeyed authorised ordinary residential building which is three years old shall not be construed as a “Special Building”



Provided that if the extent of the site is more than 1100 sq.m. a special building for residential use may be permitted on a site abutting or gaining access from 9m. wide public road.


Provided further that special building for residential use may be permitted with limitation on maximum number of dwellings and / maximum height of the building on a site abutting or gaining access from 9 m wide public road subject to compliance of the planning parameters stated in the Tables under sub rule (3) below.


The minimum width stated above shall be the existing width of the road and not the street alignment prescribed.





To cite examples:


  1. If the road over its general length is of 10 metres width, but because of some kinks in front of the site one end is 9.8 metres and the other end is 10.2 metres is acceptable.


  1. If the general road is of width less than 10 metres width, but only widens opposite to or nearer to the site is more than 10 metres, is not acceptable.


  1. If the road is generally of 10 metres width upto a considerable length on one side, but discontinues and narrows into a road of smaller width on the other side of the site in question and the plot owner is willing to leave enough space for continuity of 10 metres road in front of his site, this will have to be checked and decided on case-by-case.


  1. If the general road width is less than 10 metres and the site owner merely agrees to leave enough space to have 10 metres in front of his site only, this is not acceptable.









Sl.No. Description Minimum width
When it is intended to serve six dwellings or up to 600 square
(1) metres of commercial building and the length of the passage 3.6 metres
does not exceed 80 metres.
When it is intended to serve upto 8 dwellings or upto 2,400
(2) square metres of commercial building and the length of the 4.8 metres
passage does not exceed 100 metres.
When it is intended to serve not more than 10 dwellings or 7.2 metres
(3) upto 3000 square metres of commercial building and the
length of passage does not exceed 120 metres.
When it is intended to serve not more than 20 dwellings or
(4) up to 6000 square metres of commercial building and the 9.0 metres
length of passage does not exceed 240 metres.
(5) When it is intended to serve more than 20 dwellings or more 10.0metres
than 6000 square metres of commercial building.


(3) The extent of site, FSI, Set back etc. for Residential / Predominantly residential Special buildings shall be regulated according to the tables below:


Table A


Description Continuous Building Area anywhere within CMA
Max. no. of 8 12
dwelling units
Min. Road 9m 9m 10m
Min. Plot 50 sq.m. 80 sq.m. 80 sq.m.
Min. Plot 4.5m
Max. Height G+1 or Stilt+2 subject G+2 or Stilt+3 subject G+3 or Stilt+4 subject
to a max. of 9m to a max. of 12m to a max. of 15.25m
Max. FSI 1.5
Minimum Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations, it
shall be from  that street alignment/ new road line.
In case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
Min. FSB 15.25m and below 3.5m
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Min. SSB on Nil
either side
Min. RSB Nil


Note: (i) For EWS housing development, the minimum plot extent shall be 20 sq.m within city and 40 sq.m. in the rest of CMA, frontage shall be minimum 4 m.






Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be

permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.


Table B


Description Other areas in Chennai City, and the rest of CMA
Max. no. of 6 8 12
dwelling units
Min. Road width 9m 9m 9m
Min. Plot Extent 200 sq.m. 300 450 sq.m. 450 660 sq.m.
sq.m. sq.m.
Min. Plot 9m 9m 12m 15m 12m 15m 18m
G+2 or G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or
Stilt+3 Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4 Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4
Max. Height subject to subject subject subject subject subject subject
a max. of to a to a to a max. to a to a to a
12m max. of max. of of max. of max. of max. of
9m 12m 15.25m 9m 12m 15.25m
Max. FSI 1.5 1.5 1.5
Minimum Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations, it shall
be from  that street alignment/ new road line.
In case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
Min. FSB 15.25m and below 3.5m
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Min. SSB on 2.5m 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m * 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m *
either side
Min. RSB 2.5m 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m ** 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m **


Note: * (i) In cases where the min. required SSB is more than 3.5m option can be had to leave the min. 3.5m on one side and the remainder of the total of both the min. required SSBs on the other side.



Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010









Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be


permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.


Table C


Description Other areas in Chennai City, and the rest of CMA
Max. no. of
dwelling units
Min. Road 9m 10m
Min. Plot Extent 1100 sq.m. 300 sq.m. 450 sq.m.
Min. Plot 15m 9m 12m 15m
G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or
Max. Height Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4 Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4
subject to subject to subject to a subject to a subject to a subject to a
a max. of a max. of max. of max. of max. of max. of
9m 12m 15.25m 9m 12m 15.25m
Max. FSI 1.5
Minimum Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations, it shall be
from  that street alignment/ new road line.
In case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
Min. FSB 15.25m and below 3.5m
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Min. SSB on 1.5m 3.5m 4.0m * 1.5m 3.5m 4.0m *
either side
Min. RSB 1.5m 3.5m 4.0m ** 1.5m 3.5m 4.0m **


Note: * (i) In cases where the min. required SSB is more than 3.5m option can be had to leave the min. 3.5m on one side and the remainder of the total of both the min. required SSBs on the other side.








Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be


permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.


(4) Commercial or predominantly commercial special building


Sl.No. Description Building Area Other areas in CMA
within CMA
1 2 3 4
A Minimum 80 sq.m. 200 sq.m
Plot extent
B Minimum Plot 4 m 8 m
width/ frontage
C Maximum G+3 floors or stilt + 4 floors subject to a maximum of 15.25 m
D Maximum FSI 1.5
Where  Street  Alignment/new  road  is  prescribed  in  these
E Minimum regulations, it shall be from   that street alignment/ new road
Setbacks line.
In the case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
(i) 15.25m and below 3.5m
Front Set back
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Up to G+2 or stilt +3 G+3 or stilt +4 floors
(ii) Side Set back Nil floors subject to subject to max. of
max. of 12m 15.25 m
3.5m on either side 4m on either side
(iii) Rear Set back Nil 3.5m


Note: (i) For public buildings such as theatres, kalyana mandapams, assembly halls, exhibition halls, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, lodging houses, etc. setback all around shall not be less than 6 metres.




Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010






(7)(a) Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations given in the Annexure XVI.



regulations prescribed in the Annexure XXV-A.§





























The applicant shall deposit a sum at the rate of Rs. 50 per square metre of floor area as a refundable non-interest earning security and earnest deposit. The deposit shall be refunded on completion of development as per the approved plan as certified by Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority; if not, it would be forfeited.








  1. Regulation for Group developments




The minimum width stated above shall be the existing width of the road and not the street alignment prescribed.


Explanation: –



To cite examples –


  1. If the road over its general length is of 10 metres width, but because of some kinks in front of the site one end is 9.8 metres and the other end is 10.2 metres is acceptable.


  1. If the general road is of width less than 10 metres width, but only widens opposite to or nearer to the site is more than 10 metres, is not acceptable.


  1. If the road is generally of 10 metres width upto a considerable length on one side, but discontinues and narrows into a road of smaller width on the other side of the site in question and the plot owner is willing to leave enough space for continuity of 10 metres road in front of his site, this will have to be checked and decided on case-by-case.


  1. If the general road width is less than 10 metres and the site owner merely agrees to leave enough space to have 10 metres in front of his site only, this is not acceptable.



(b)     If the site does not directly abut a public road but gains access through a private exclusive passage or through a part of the plot which can be treated as a passage from a public road of minimum width as prescribed above, the minimum width of such passage shall be as follows:





Sl.No. Description Minimum width
When it is intended to serve six dwelling or up to 600 square
(1) metres of commercial building and the length of the passage 3.6 metres)
does not exceed 80 metres.
(2) When it is intended to serve up to 8 dwellings or upto 2,400 4.8 metres
square metres of commercial building and the length of the
passage does not exceed 100 metres.
(3) When it is intended to serve not more than 10 dwellings or 7.2 metres
upto 3000 square metres of commercial building and the
length of passage does not exceed 120 metres.
(4) When it is intended to serve not more than 20 dwellings or  up 9.0 metres
to 6000 square metres of commercial building and the length
of passage does not exceed 240 metres.
(5) When it is intended to serve more than 20 dwellings or more 10.0metres
than 6000 square metres of commercial building.



Continuous Residential in Economically
Sl. Weaker Section areas
Description Building Area Other areas in CMA
No. anywhere Chennai in other
within CMA City areas
1 2 3 4 5a 5b
A Minimum Plot 300 sq.m. 660sq.m 300 sq.m. 300sq.m.
B Minimum Plot 6m 12m 10m 10m
width/ frontage
C Maximum G+3 or stilt +4 floors subject to a max. of 15.25m.
D Maximum FSI 1.5
E Minimum Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations,
it shall be from that street alignment/ new road line. In case of
others, it shall be from the property boundary.
(i) Front Setback 4.5 m
G+2 or Stilt G+3 or Stilt+4
+3 floors floors subject
(ii) Side Setback 1.5m on subject to a to a max. of 3 m on either side
max. of 12m 15.25m
one side
3.5m on 4.5m on
either side either side
(iii) Rear Setback 1.5 m 3.5m 4.5m 3 m
(iv) Spacing between 6 m 6 m 3 m


Note:    (i) For public buildings such as theatres, kalyana mandapams, assembly halls, exhibition halls, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, lodging houses, etc. setback all around shall not be less than 6 metres.




Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings. ♣


(iii) In cases of hospital buildings an additional FSI of 0.25 is allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI.




**(b) In cases where upper floor/floors over a stilt parking floor is/are proposed for parking to satisfy the minimum number of parking required as per the Development Regulations, such upper parking floor/floors shall conform to the special


regulations prescribed in the Annexure XXV-A.**









to  the  condition  that  the  clearance  of  the  proposed  ramp  from  the  property

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010 ** Approved in G.O. Ms. No.212, H&UD dept, dt. 26.09.2012 and published in TNGG on 31.10.2012


boundary / street alignment shall be minimum 1.5 metres and a clear motorable driveway of min. 3.5 m. in width is available around the building block.















regulations In such cases ‘Transfer of Development Rights’ (TDR) certificate may be obtained to the extent eligible as per regulations given in the Annexure XXI








The applicant shall deposit a sum at the rate of Rs. 50 per square metre of floor area as a refundable non-interest earning security and earnest deposit. The deposit shall be refunded on completion of development as per the approved plan as certified by Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority; if not, it would be forfeited.







which it is proposed exceeds 1 hectare it shall be designed and the plans signed by a qualified Architect





  1. Special rules for multi-storeyed Buildings




Provided further that multi-storeyed building may be permitted with limitations on maximum FSI and maximum height of the building on a site abutting or gaining access from a public road of min. 12 m/15 m in width, or gain access from public road not less that 12 m/15 metres in width through a part of the site which can be treated as an exclusive passage of not less than 12 m/15 metres in width, subject to compliance of the planning parameters stated in the Table under sub rule (2) below.








To cite examples –


  1. If the road over its general length is of 18 metres width, but because of some kinks in front of the site one end is 17.8 metres and the other end is 18.2 metres is acceptable.


  1. If the general road is of width less than 18 metres width, but only widens opposite to or nearer to the site is more than 18 metres, is not acceptable.


  1. If the road is generally of 18 metres width up to a considerable length on one side, but discontinues and narrows into a road of smaller width on the other side of the site in question and the plot owner is willing to leave enough space for continuity of 18 metres road in front of his site, this will have to be checked and decided on case-by-case.


  1. If the general road width is less than 18 metres and the site owner merely agrees to leave enough space to have 18 metres in front of his site only, this is not acceptable.





Sl.No Description Category  I(a) Category I(b) Category II Category III
A Minimum Plot 1200 sq.m 1200 sq.m 1500 sq.m 2500 sq.m
B Minimum Plot 25m 25m 25m 40m
C Minimum 12m 15m 18m
Road width
D Maximum FSI 1.5 1.75 2.50 2.25 2.00
E Maximum
(a) Normally 30% 30% 30% Above 30% up Above 40%
allowable to 40% up to 50%
(b) allowable for
Weaker 40% 40% 40% Above 40% up Above 50%
Sections/ Low
to 50% up to 60%
Income Group

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010




G+6 or Stilt G+8 Stilt +9 60 metres where the width of the abutting
F Maximum + 7 floors floors road is minimum 18 metres, and exceeding
height above subject to a subject to a 60 metres where the width of abutting road
G.L max. 24m max. 30m is minimum 30.5 metres, subject to such
conditions as may be necessary.
Height of the building Minimum required setback space from
above ground level the property boundary
G Minimum set Above 15.25m upto 30m 7 m
back all
For every increase in height of 6m or part
thereof above 30.5m, minimum extent of
Above 30m
setback space to be left additionally shall be
one metre.
Height of the building Minimum required spacing between
Spacing above ground level blocks
H Above 15.25m upto 30m 7 m
blocks in case
of group For every increase in height of 6m or part
developments Above 30m thereof above 30.5m, space to be left
additionally shall be one metre.
Explanation: –



Note (i) The space specified above shall be kept open to sky and free from any erection/projection (such as sunshade/balcony) of any building other than a fence or compound wall provided that these open yards may be used for the provision of access ways to the building’s parking facilities.













Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.


(vii) In cases of Low Income Group and Economically Weaker Sections housing developments, where the height of the building above the ground level is above 15.25m and upto 30m the minimum required setback space from the property


boundary shall be 6m.






regulations prescribed in the Annexure XXV-A. ††



Internal Vehicular Access way including passage if any within the site shall have a clear width of 7.2 m. and such vehicular access shall be available for every building block in the site. Further, it shall be a clear width of open to sky and no projection in structure over it is permissible.



The corridor serving as access for units in the development in whichever floor they may be situated shall not be less than the standards prescribed in Annexure XVII.












thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of the requirements under these regulations.



  1. lifts as prescribed in National Building Code


  1. a stand-by electric generator of adequate capacity for running lift and water pump, and a room to accommodate the generator;



  1. at least one metre room of size 2.4 metres by 2.4 metres for every 10 consumers or 3 floor whichever is less. The metre room shall be provided in the ground floor.

















If the applicant fulfills the conditions (a) above, the deposit shall be refunded after production of the completion certificate.





























Any suggestions of alterations recommended by the panel and approved by the Government shall be incorporated in the plans.




  1. Layout and sub-division regulations:


This regulation seeks to ensure access to plots by way of roads and private passages, creating hierarchy of roads depending on the road length and intensity of developments in the area and also to provide adequate linkages to the existing roads and proposed roads in the Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan and further to provide proper circulation pattern in the area, providing required recreational spaces such as parks / playgrounds, and providing spaces for common amenities such as schools, post and telegraph offices, fire stations, police stations etc.








(a) for Residential developments
Description Minimum Remarks
(1) (2) (3)
A. Passage
(i) In areas of Economically Weaker
Section and for continuous
building area:
a) For single plot 1.0 metre The passage   will   remain
b) For two to four plots
1.5 metre private
(ii) When it is intended to serve upto The passage will remain
two plots and length of the passage 3.0 metres
does not exceed 40 metres)
(iii) When it is intended to serve up to
four  plots  and  length  of  the 3.6 metres -Do-
passage does not exceed 80 metres)
(iv) When it is intended to serve up to
ten plots and length of the passage 4.8 metres -Do-
does not exceed 100 metres)
B. Streets and Roads
(i) Streets intended to serve not more
than 16 plots and / or subject to a 7.2 metres All streets shall become public
maximum length of 120 metres
(ii) Streets intended to serve not more
than 20 plots and / or subject to a 9.0 metres All streets shall become public
maximum length of 240 metres
(iii) Roads of length more than 240 12.0 metres All streets shall become public
metres but below 400 metres
(iv) Roads of length between 400 18.0 metres All streets shall become public
metres to 1,000 metres
(v) Roads of length more than 1000 24.0 metres All streets shall become public


Note:    Not withstanding anything contained above Authority reserves the right to revise layouts proposed by the applicant and applied for sanction in order to provide for better adequate linkages proper circulation pattern requirements considering local conditions etc.





Can be provided when their length do not exceed 60 metres. They shall be provided with a turn around area of 9 metres x 9 metres at the closed end.



A splay at the intersection of two or more streets / roads shall be provided subject to the minimum dimensions given below:


Sl.No When the narrower road is of width Min. splay
1 Upto 7.2m. 1.5m x 1.5m.
2 More than 7.2m. Upto 12m 3m. x 3m.
3 More than 12m. Upto 30.5m 4.5m x 4.5m
4 More than 30.5m. 6m. x 6m.



Extent of layout Reservation
(1) (2)
For the first 3000 Nil
square metres
Between 3000 10 per cent of the area excluding roads or in the alternative he shall
pay the market value of equivalent land and excluding the first
square metres
3000  square metres  as  per  the  valuation  of  the  registration
and 10,000
department.  “No such area reserved shall measures less than 100
square metres
square metres with a minimum dimension of 10 metres.”
Above 10,000 10 per cent of the area excluding roads. It is obligatory to make the
reservation and no equivalent land cost in lieu of the same is
square metres









public interest and this part of the road space also be transferred free of cost as stated in the sub rule 7(a) above.







  1. Architectural Control


The Architectural façade or elevation of any building or the architectural features of any premises shall be in conformity with such conditions as the Authority may impose at the time of grant of permission.


  1. Conservation of buildings of historical or architectural interest: –


In the opinion of the Authority, if a building or premises not covered under the Archeological Monuments Act is of historical or architectural interest and needs to be conserved, such heritage buildings/premises shall be listed and notified and any development at such heritage building premises shall conform to the regulations given in Annexure XXV.


  1. Tree preservation




  1. These Regulations to prevail





made under the said Act or laws such provisions which are contrary to these regulations shall stand suspended.



  1. Identification of boundaries





  1. Discretionary Powers


(1)     In specific cases where a clearly demonstrable hardship is caused the Authority or Government may relax any of the parameters prescribed by these regulations but not the land use.


(2)     In the case of organized market and shopping centers, the Authority or Government may, at its discretion, permit use of machinery not exceeding 15 horse power in respect of each shop, if it is considers that such permission shall not be injurious to health or amenity for the area.

(3)     The normally permissible FSI for Information Technology industries, Information Technology enabling services and Bio-informatics units certified by the appropriate authority in Designated Information Technology Parks, except in Primary Residential use zone within the Chennai City Corporation area, may be relaxed by the Authority or Government upto the extent of 100 percent.


  1. Premium FSI


# The Authority may allow premium FSI over and above the normally allowable FSI subject to a maximum of 1 (one) relating the same to the road width parameters as follows:-


S.No. Road Width Premium FSI (% of
normally allowable FSI)
(i) 18 metres and above 40%
(ii) 12 metres – below 18 metres 30%
(iii) 9 metres – below 12 metres 20%


The Premium FSI shall be allowed in specific areas as may be notified, subject to Guidelines and on collection of charge at the rates as may be prescribed by the Authority with the approval of the Government. The amount collected towards the award of Premium FSI shall be remitted into Government account to be allotted separately for this purpose for utilising it for infrastructure development in that area as may be decided by the Government. #


  1. Delegation of Powers


Any of the powers, duties or functions conferred or imposed or vested in the Authority / Government by any of foregoing regulations may be delegated to any Officer under its control or to any Officer of Government or to a local authority.


  1. Penalties


Every person who shall commit any breach or any of the foregoing regulations shall be punishable with fine which may extend, to Rs.1000/- and in the case of a continuing breach, with fine which may extend to Rs.50/- for every day during which such breach continues after conviction for the first such breach.


  1. Transitary provisions:


All applications for development including multistoried building, pending prior to 2nd September 2008 shall be disposed of in accordance with the Development Control Rules for the Chennai Metropolitan Area under the first master plan for the Chennai Metropolitan Area.













































# Approved in G.O. Ms No.163, H&UD, dt. 09.09.2009 and published in TNGG on 23.09.2009 Amended in G.O. Ms No.245, H&UD, dt. 28.11.2008 and published in TNGG on 10.12.2008



Spaces excluded from FSI and Coverage Computation


1 The following shall not be counted towards FSI  and plot coverage computation:















society  or apartment/ building owners association in each block

















Reservation of land for community recreational purposes in cases of special buildings/ Group Developments/ multistoreyed building developments


Extent of site Reservation
(a) For the first 3,000 Nil
square metres
(b) Between 3,000 square 10% of the area excluding roads or in the alternative
metres and 10,000 he shall pay the market value of the equivalent land
square metres excluding the first 3000 sq.m. as per the valuation of
the  Registration  Department,  only  where  it  is  not
possible  to  provide  open  space  due  to  physical
constraints. No such area reserved shall measure less
than 100 square metres with a minimum dimension of
10 metres.
The space so reserved shall be transferred to the
Authority or to the Local body designated by it, free of
cost,  through  a  registered  gift  deed.  In  cases  of
residential developments, the Authority or the local
body concerned may permit the Residents Association
or  Flat  Owner’s  Association  for  maintaining  such
reserved space as park / playground and in such
cases  where  the  Authority  decides  to  permit  the
Resident’s Association or Flat Owner’s Association for
maintaining it, direct access from a public road for the
reserved area may not be required, and right of access
to the Authority or the local body concerned through
set  back  space  shall  be   transferred  through  a
registered gift deed along with the reserved space.
(c) Above 10,000 square Ten per cent of the area excluding road shall be
metres reserved and this space shall be transferred to the
Authority or to the local body designated by it, free of
cost, through a gift deed. It is obligatory to reserve the
10 per cent of the site area and no charge can be
accepted in lieu in case of the new developments or










































Provisions for persons with disabilities


  1. In order to provide barrier free environment in the buildings and premises used by public the following shall be provided for persons with disabilities. (It does not apply to residential developments)


  1. a. Site planning:


Every building should have at least one access to main entrance /exit to the disabled which shall be indicated by proper signage. This entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with stepped entry. The ramp should have a landing in front of the doorway.


  1. Parking:


  1. Surface parking for at least two Car Spaces shall be provided near entrance for the physically handicapped persons with maximum travel distance of 30 metres from building entrance.


  1. The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.6metre.


  1. Building requirements:


  1. i) For approach to the plinth level, and in other levels where ramps with gradients are necessary or desired they shall conform to the following requirements.


Ramps slope shall not be steeper than 1 in 12


Its length shall not exceed 9m between landings and its width shall be minimum 1.5m with handrails on either side.

Its surface shall be non slippery.


Minimum size of landing shall be 1m. x 2m.


  1. Among the lifts provided within the premises at least one lift shall have the facility to accommodate the wheel chair size 80cm x 150cm.



  1. Stairs shall have the handrail facilities as prescribed in the National Building Code.


  1. Minimum one special WC in a set of toilet shall be provided for the use of


handicapped as specified in National Building Code with essential provision of washbasin near the entrance for the handicapped

















Electrical Rooms





  1. Indoor space required within the premises for installing floor mounted Distribution Transformer and associated switchgear.


  1. An electrical room for accommodating the transformers and associated switchgears shall be provided at the ground floor, either within the built up space of the multi-storeyed buildings or outside the building and within the premises of the multi-storeyed buildings nearer the main entrance of the building. The associated switchgear shall be separated from the transformer bays by a fire-resisting wall with a fire resistance of not less than 4 (four) hours.


  1. The width of the approach road to the above said electrical room shall not be less than 3.0 metres.


  1. The electrical room with RCC roof shall have clear floor area 6m. X 4m. with a vertical clearance of 2.75m.


  1. Three sides of this room shall be covered with brick walls. The fourth side, towards the approach road shall be covered with M.S. Rolling Grill Shutter of width not less than 3 metres with locking facility.


  1. The electrical room shall be fitted with 2 Nos. exhaust fans in the wall facing the approach road, one on either side of the shutter.


  1. The electrical room shall have raised cement flooring with cable duct of 450-mm. width and 750-mm. depth, all around inside the room and close to the exterior walls shutters. The flooring shall slope towards the cable duct. The cabled duct shall be covered with RCC slabs of thickness not less than 75 mm. (3 inches). The covered slabs shall flush with the cement flooring. The radius of curvature of the cable ducts at the turnings inside the electrical room shall not be less than one metre.


(ii) The open space within the premises for  installation.


A clear space of 10 m. x 4 m. or 5 m. x 5m. open to the sky and having an approach road of width not less than 3 metres, upto the public road shall be provided within the consumer premises, preferably at the main entrance.





















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