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Re-imagining Chennai’s Buckingham Canal

How can cities as drivers and victims of climate change cope with the risks and become custodians of a livable environment? Chennai, having already...

Water Body Restoration in Chennai – A Smart City Initiative

The Greater Chennai Corporation along with Chennai Smart City Limited is has currently created the Chennai Water Restoration Framework that aims at creating a...

Greater Chennai Corporation wins € 200000 Global TUMI Competition

The Greater Chennai Corporation has won the Euro € 200000 Global Transformative Urban Mobility Challenge from among 50 cities that participated from around the...

TNagar Pedestrian Plaza Project Inaugurated by Chief Minister

The T Nagar Pedestrian Plaza was inaugurated by the Honorable Chief Minister Thiru Edapadi K Palanisami today at 6 p.m on Nov 13, 2019....

Smart Classroom launched by Chennai Smart City

Greater Chennai Corporation & Chennai Smart City Limited in association with Samsung India (P) Ltd's Corporate Social Responsibility division are launching Smart Class rooms...