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What to do when Chennai Rains?

2015 is was Chennai Rains caused flood. 2016 it was Vardah cyclone which caused Chennai Floods. 2017 it was Ockhi that devastated the south TN again with Floods.
Chennai Smart City Limited Logo

Chennai Smart City gets a New Logo

Chennai Smart City Ltd. has got finally got its new logo. Chennai smart city limited was formed after a much delay compared to other...
S George IPS

Chennai Commissioner of Police S George transferred by Election Commission

The Election Commission on Saturday has transferred S George I.P.S, Commissioner of Police of Chennai ahead of the RK Nagar bye-elections on April 12. His...
Edapadi Palanisamy proves majority

Edapadi Palanisamy proves majority

Edapadi Palanisamy who was invited to form the Government under the condition to prove majority by the Governor has won the trust vote with...
Chennai Parking Management System

Parking Management System

Greater Chennai Corporation inaugurated the Parking Management system today. It was done by Honorable Municipal Administration and Water Supply Minister, Thiru S P Velumani....