The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) is currently in the final phase of the testing the Online web-based Landuse information system.
The online web based land information system has been tested by CMDA over many months and is expected to move from beta status to live status. Being an agency responsible for the master planning of the Chennai Metropolitan area, this initiative will take CMDA into the select league of global cities, that host its master plan online.
The GIS based landuse system offers a variety of information including list of notified areas, locations identified as IT corridors and places falling under MRTS in the Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA).
Advantages of CMDA’s Land Use Information System
- Transparency: The land use as intended by the master planning authority gives greater clarity to citizens to plan their projects based on the open data.
- Project Planning: If you are planning projects around green areas and also in the CRZ area, it is good to know it much in advance, as being eco sensitive, approval process is mode longer and knowing ahead of time saves a lot of time!
The feature also has tools listing pockets falling under the Coastal Regulatory Zone, artificial recharge area, RedHills Catchment Area, Ministry of Defense restricted land (like Air Force Base, Heavy Vehicle Factory, Proof Range), Outer Ring Road, Green Belt, Pallikaranai Swamp Area, and Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). This is important as areas under ASI are regulated upto 300 m from the site. No construction is permitted within 100m and is strongly regulated above 100 and below 300m.
The application allows for searching by Village Name and also Survey Number of the property. The application allows for switching of the base map between Google Street and also Hybrid view. Users can take a printout of the desired view / screen. This significantly helps know their relative location compared to other landmarks.

The Chennai Metropolitan area 1,189 sq km comprising the Chennai district and soon to expanded to about, besides 16 municipalities, 20 town panchayats, and 214 village panchayats in 10 panchayat unions in neighbouring Kanchipuram and Tiruvallur districts.