First, Sorry for your loss!
Death is painful. During this personal tough time of grief, we understand it can be daunting for you to manage the legal formalities of recording the death of your loved ones.
Here is a quick guide on how to apply for a death certificate with a Greater Chennai Corporation.
it is important to notify death within 21 days of the event to the Registrar of your jurisdiction.
Documents Prerequisite for registering Death with Chennai Corporation:
- Burial or cremation receipt from the crematorium or the burial ground.
- An affidavit certificate mentioning the date, time and place of death.
- Copy of the ration card.
- Birth Certification of the deceased.
- Tamil Nadu’s Death certificate application form.
The ‘Application Form’ for death extract can be downloaded from Tamilnadu’s CMS Portal. Duly fill the form with ‘all’ details, along with your signature or thumb impression. This application form is the key to registering death with your municipality administration.
Greater Chennai Corporation – Birth/Death Portal
Step 1: Register death with your jurisdiction’s Registrar or Town Panchayat officers. Submit all the Prerequisite Documents mentioned above.
Step 2: Give time for your local Registrar to verify the details of the death. The Registrar’s office will notify you about the progress of your application.
Step 3: Once the Registrar validates your application, a hard copy of the death certificate will be issued to you. You may also choose to log on to Tamil Nadu Birth/Death records Portal and navigate to the ‘Print Certificate -> Death Certificate’ tab to download online copies of the death certificate.

Place of Death: A Imp Note
If death has occurred in a hospital or medical facility, the institution needs to register death with the concerned authorities directly. However, if the death has occurred in residence, the family members need to follow the prescribed steps, register the event, and apply for a death certificate with Greater Chennai Corporation.