How to apply for Trade License in Chennai?

A Trade License is necessary to perform any type of trade activity in the area under the jurisdiction of Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC).

  1. GCC has made almost the entire process online. The citizen may apply for registration of trade license by visiting the online portal available in website
  2. After registering the details of mobile number, e-mail id etc., the applicant shall get his unique user name and password through his mobile and e-mail in a secured manner.
  3. Through Citizen portal, the applicant will populate the application form for trade licence.
  4. Following documents are to be uploaded along with the application:
    1. Sworn Affidavit declaring the nature of trade and where the trade is to function in Rs.20/- non-judicial stamp paper attested by a Notary Public.
    2. Passport size photograph of the applicant
    3. Property tax receipt copy in respect to the trade premises
    4. Residential proof of the applicant. e. NOC from the District Fire Officer wherever necessary.
    5. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) wherever necessary.
    6. Certificate from the Inspector of Factories should be obtained if more than nine workers are proposed to be simultaneously employed at any time in the factory, workshop. Work-place or premises.
  5. Once Citizen submitted application, acknowledgement slip for filing of application will be generated with Registration Number.
  6. Once the Registration number is generated, the details of the application shall be moved to the inbox of respective ARO of the Zone for field verification of site.
  7. After field verification, the A.R.O., will submit the application before the trade licence committee headed by the Zonal officer.
  8. If the Trade license committee observes that all norms are complied with by the applicant, a payment order will be issued to the applicant and the applicant must make a payment online through the portal. Trade licence will be issued to the applicant through email and through the citizen portal after payment is made by the applicant.
  9. If the Trade license committee observes that all norms are not complied with by the applicant, the application by rejected.
apply for trade license in chennai
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